At Raso Solutions we believe that diversity in tech is something that should be practiced and celebrated. Our recruitment strategy has worked for people from all backgrounds to strengthen technology teams across the world. With our many years of experience working with technology job seekers and clients, we compiled a list of four benefits of diversity in tech!
How to define workplace diversity?
According to TalentLyft, workplace diversity is the term used for the workplace composed of employees with varying characteristics, such as different sex, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.
A company with workplace diversity is a company that has employees with a wide range of characteristics and experiences.
4 Benefits of Diversity in Tech Companies
Variety of different perspectives
Diversity in tech allows for there to be different perspectives because each team member will most likely have different characteristics and backgrounds, coupled with different skills and experiences. This can help develop each facet of your tech business because you’ll have access to opinions you wouldn’t have access to!
Another part of the benefits of having different perspectives is the increased amount of creativity. Having individuals that come from different backgrounds will ensure that not everyone will see things the same way which will create a space for new ideas to be shared.
Improved employee engagement
Deloitte conducted research that captured the views and experiences of over 1,000 employees in three large businesses operating in manufacturing, retail, and healthcare. This research showed that engagement is an outcome of workplace diversity..
Increased profits
Harvard Business Review stated the following, “Diversity significantly improves financial performance on measures such as profitable investments at the individual portfolio-company level and overall fund returns.”
The link between workplace diversity and increased profits is pretty straightforward – to succeed in a highly competitive environment, it pays to take risks.
Improved hiring results
According to a survey conducted by Glassdoor, 67% of job seekers said a diverse workforce is important when considering job offers. To attract the best talent to your technology business, look at your current employee roster. After reading more about diversity in tech, do you think you can consider your technology team diverse?
At Raso Solutions, we have seen the benefits of recruiting diverse talent make a strong impact in our technology client’s teams. If you’re interested in working with a Raso Solutions hiring expert, schedule your free consultation today!